Carreras de Thirdera
Somos un equipo de profesionales talentosos y diversos que se enorgullecen de fomentar una cultura innovadora, desafiar la situación actual y crear un ambiente de trabajo divertido.

Ingrese a un lugar de trabajo donde cada miembro del equipo tenga la oportunidad de crecer y prosperar. En Thirdera, somos un equipo con visión progresista que cree que la mejor vida es una vida equilibrada. Mantenemos nuestra dedicación a la diversidad, a la igualdad y a la inclusión mediante una mezcla ecléctica de orígenes, de actitudes y de experiencias.
Nuestro recurso más valioso es nuestra gente. Contratamos profesionales de la tecnología creativos y talentosos que se destacan en lo que hacen y comprenden el panorama general. Juntos creamos un entorno dinámico y divertido al que todos pertenecen y donde se valoran las diferentes perspectivas. Somos TeamEra.
Nuestros valores

Tenga aspiraciones altas


Priorice a los clientes

Póngase a prueba

Hear from Eranauts

«En mis 11 años de consultoría en ServiceNow, he trabajado con muchas personas talentosas. Durante ese tiempo, noté un patrón en el que la mayoría de esas personas inteligentes terminaban en la misma empresa. Cuando me di cuenta de que la empresa era Thirdera, aproveché la oportunidad de unirme al equipo».

«Aprecio el desafío de trabajar en un entorno que está en constante evolución. En Thirdera, siempre puedo hablar y ser parte del progreso y de la solución».

«Trabajar en Thirdera ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora tanto profesional como personalmente. La cultura es transparente, donde se escucha a todos los empleados, independientemente de su posición, y se les brindan amplias oportunidades para crecer. Thirdera es definitivamente uno de los mejores lugares para iniciar una carrera positiva».

«La mejor parte de trabajar en Thirdera es saber que estoy rodeada de excelentes expertos que están listos para ayudarme en cualquier momento. Esto me hace sentir muy afortunada».

«Lo mejor de trabajar en Thirdera es la sensación de saber que no estás solo, que estás rodeado de personas talentosas y maravillosas que siempre estarán ahí para ayudarte y guiarte para crecer, ¡mientras crece la empresa!».

«¡Thirdera hizo posible mi sueño de cambiar de carrera! Les dan la bienvenida a los nuevos graduados y a los que cambian de carrera, y están realmente dispuestos a ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestras competencias en el campo de ServiceNow. Estoy muy emocionada de formar parte de TeamEra. Se siente como en casa».

«Thirdera es un lugar increíble para trabajar debido a la atmósfera de alta energía de la empresa, la cultura transparente, la comunicación interna y el apoyo del liderazgo. Me enorgullece estar entre personas tan increíblemente talentosas y estoy agradecida por la oportunidad de contribuir a nuestro éxito continuo».

«Trabajar en Thirdera ha sido todo un viaje en el que pude aprender sobre mí y ver mi crecimiento, desafiándome a tener aspiraciones altas. Aquí, siempre estamos rodeados de excelentes expertos que tienen la amabilidad de ayudar en cualquier momento. ¡Thirdera es, definitivamente, uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar y para progresar en su carrera!».
Explore Life at Thirdera
Beneficios de trabajar aquí
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401k with Matching
Gym Membership
Quarterly Bonuses
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Assessment & Roadmap
Assessment & Roadmap
Assessment & Roadmap
Vida en Thirdera

Earth Day 2024: Thirdera has planted 2,463 trees in
Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! Earth Day, annually celebrated around the world on April 22, serves as a poig...
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Inspire Inclusion: Embracing Diversity to Empower Women
The IT ecosystem is an ever-evolving and dynamic environment, and with this constant change, the need arises to create inclusive workspaces th...
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Unlimit Value: 2023 in Review
Thirdera began 2023 with ambition, driven by our motto "Unlimit Value." This rally cry powered groundbreaking growth, embodied by milestones l...
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Diwali 2023: Discover the Festival of Lights with
Diwali, the festival of lights, is the most anticipated and biggest of all festivals in India. It celebrates the triumph of light over darknes...
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Are You OK? | The Power of Meaningful Conversations for
In this fast-paced world, the importance of mental health can often be underprioritized. We can find ourselves cutting corners and neglecting ...
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Celebrating 1K Thirdera Team Members and Making Waves
Today, we are excited to share a milestone that each Teamera member has played an indispensable role in achieving - we are now a team of 1,000...
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Fit and Flow: Celebrate International Yoga Day 2023
Is yoga important in modern life? Absolutely. It is a discipline that unites the mind and body when practiced. In the fast-paced world we live...
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Juneteenth 2023: Celebrate Freedom Day with Thirdera
Juneteenth, held annually on June 19th, is a significant federal holiday in the United States. It commemorates the momentous occasion when the...
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Thirdera adopts Narwhal to celebrate World Oceans Day
June 8th, marks the celebration of World Oceans Day, a reminder of the major role our oceans play in everyday life. They are the lungs of our ...
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Pride 2023 Reflection: What Pride Month Means to Me
The first Pride parades were held in in June 1970 in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall R...
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Prioritize Your Mental Health - Say, ‘Yes’ to Taking
As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to an end, I've come across quite a few posts and blogs that talk about mental health, ways to improve ...
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A Note of Gratitude to Diversity on World Day for
I didn’t grow up with a national identity of being “American”. When people where I was raised asked about your cultural identity, they were al...
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Mental Health Awareness Month: How I Tamed My Anxiety
We often don’t like to talk about our mental health. It's a topic that has unfortunately been accepted as a stigma across various societies. W...
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Thirdera Plants over 900 Trees in Amazon Rainforest for
What is sustainability? Sustainability means meeting our own needs without comprising future generations' abilities to meet their own needs.
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Embrace Equity: International Women’s Day 2023
International Women’s Day brings up mixed feelings for me each and every year. On the one hand, I feel incredibly fortunate when I reflect on ...
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Setting the Standard: 2022 in Review
2022 was an unforgettable year. Sure, it involved the typical highs and lows seen with any other year; but it seemed to have a bigger appetite...
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And the Winner is… Curtain Closes on a Successful Hexy
Thirdera just wrapped up its Second Annual Hexy Awards – our special end-of-year event that recognizes the individual and collective accomplis...
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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 through October 15 marks the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. This is an important occasion and opportunity to acknowledge...
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When Happiness Inspires Hope: Thirdera Supports
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. About 10,470 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in...
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Celebrate Women’s Equality Day with Thirdera
August 26 is Women's Equality Day in the United States. It commemorates the date in 1920 when congress approved the 19th Amendment to the Cons...
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Pride Month Recap: 1 Month of Recognition, 365 Days of
Globally, June is traditionally seen as Pride Month – providing an opportunity to celebrate the impact the LGBTQ+ community has had on the wor...
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Juneteenth: A Candid Perspective on Racial Equality and
Thirdera is grateful to Sherry Burden – proud African American woman, loving mother, life coach, blogger, and Thirdera Business Analyst – for ...
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Eranauts in Mexico: Why Thirdera
Fostering and promoting local talent is at the heart of what we do at Thirdera. As a ServiceNow Global Elite Partner, we empower our team of e...
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Thirdera celebrates Earth Day by planting 662 trees in
Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! Thirdera is committed to sustainability and environmental initiatives. We bel...
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Volunteering is Empathy in Action: TeamEra Helps Local
The volunteering spirit is strong at Thirdera! Eranauts across the globe are involved in giving back to their communities, each in different w...
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The Magic of Becoming Thirdera
Thirdera's 2021 journey was nothing short of incredible! Officially established in February of 2021, our goal was to create a new type of Serv...
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Thirdera: Changing the World Around You – One Community
We all had a crazy year: a global pandemic, working from home, not being able to travel or see our loved ones, homeschooling kids, missing out...
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