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Attentive: Advanced Phishing Response

A certified ServiceNow offering to automate phishing response

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It's time for a more effective cybersecurity strategy

As phishing attacks become more prevalent and deceptive, organisations are being pressed to develop a comprehensive response strategy that addresses these threats effectively and quickly. Yet, siloed tools and manual processes remain prominent mechanisms of action that are inadequate when it comes to reliably identifying, containing, and resolving phishing incidents.

Meet Attentive: Advanced Phishing Response

Attentive: Advanced Phishing Response leverages ServiceNow’s Security Incident Response (SIR) User Reported Phishing application, workflow automation, and 3rd party integrations to create an automated end-to-end phishing process that reduces manual labour, time to contain, and time to resolution. Based on best practices and documented phishing playbooks, this ServiceNow-certified solution consolidates submitted phishing incidents, automates manual steps, and surfaces enriched threat data to provide a single workspace to track, manage, and contain phishing events.

Features of Attentive: Advanced Phishing Response include:

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Automation Roadmap

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Documented Phishing Process

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Campaign Aggregation

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Repeatable Phishing Playbook


Customer Success

Phishing Email 2022-08 Phishing Email 2022-08

Consolidate Phishing Incidents and Accelerate Resolution Times

This insurance company’s processes for analysing, parsing, and enriching phishing emails used a range of siloed, manual tools. This was not only clunky and time-consuming—it was also a potential security risk for internal and client data. Under Thirdera’s technical and consultative guidance, the company was able to deploy a strong cybersecurity strategy to effectively manage new levels of cyber risk using a blend of discovery, identification, and remediation

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Streamlined Defense

Efficient and consistent data-driven defense with automated threat correlation across multiple systems
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Rapid Remediation

Automated campaign analysis and aggregation with single click containment and remediation
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Reduced Manual Overhead

Up to 95% reduction in analyst task time stemming from complete phishing response automation

Let’s get started!

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