Thirdera Blueprint
Privacy Management
Compress the traditional project timeline with an accelerated Privacy Management implementation that boosts business maturity and generates tangible value in weeks.
Blueprint Overview
Initiate & Plan
Go-Live & Beyond
Initiate & Plan
3 WEEKSDemo Vulnerability Response, collect requirements and deliver stories for acceptance.
5 WEEKSConfigure Vulnerability Response as per best practice and customer requirements; continually show progress back to the customer and collect new requirements.
2 WEEKSProvide functional and technical knowledge transfer and support customer acceptance testers.
Go-Live & Beyond
2 WEEKSPromote code to production and provide Hyper-Care.
Thirdera Staffing

Engagement Manager
Responsible for providing leadership and direction to achieve growth and transformation.

Technical Lead
Analyses business requirements and provides system design while implementing system solutions.

Supporting Team as appropriate
Skilled resources will be assigned as needed to ensure the implementation meets your project objectives in the 10-week delivery timeframe.

Project Scope
Thirdera's Privacy Management Blueprint includes a robust list of deliverables to set your Risk program on course for long-term success. Guided by proven best practices, our team of advisory and technical experts configures and implements a solution best fit for your unique needs while establishing a foundation of knowledge to promote ongoing maturation. Key deliverables include:
Key deliverables include:
- Setup/load initial listing of PII elements into the Information Object library
- Load initial set of regulatory content
- Setup/load initial listing of assets/services sat process personal data
- Configure Privacy Screening Assessment and Privacy Impact Assessment, including methodologies and process
- Configure Criticality Assessment and Privacy Risk Assessment, including methodologies and process
- Configure forms, fields, and workflow for privacy records (processing activities)
- Configure notifications, reports, and dashboards from templates
- Setup Privacy Management workspace UI to provide concise user experience
- Provide Functional Overview, Technical Knowledge Transfer, and UAT Support